Research Projects

Design a SQL Relational Database for Wrong-Patient Errors, Center of Patient Safety Research, 10/2022-now

Establishing a Docker Image for Automated Compound Heterozygous (CH) Identification, Prof. Ali Gharavi’s lab, 03/2022-08/2022

Undergraduate thesis: Investigating the role of ADAR-mediated RNA-editing in Cardiomyopathy, Prof. Roger Foo’s Lab, 01/2021-05/2021

Estimate the contribution of Gene-Environment Interactions in DNA methylation in cancer, Prof. Hangjin Jiang’s lab, 09/2020-12/2020

Explore the genetic and epigenetic regulation of promoter birth and death in human brain evolution, Prof. Robert Young’s lab, 07/2020-08/2020

Develop the method in detecting differential expression of microRNA from isoform data in cancer, Prof. Hangjin Jiang’s lab, 03/2020-06/2020

Build computational reinforcement model for Morris Water Maze, Prof. Gedi Luksys’s lab, 01/2020-02/2020 (model unpublished yet)

Analyze brain fMRI image between smoker and non-smoker by building statistical models, Prof. Hangjin Jiang’s lab, 09/2019-12/2019


Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition: Analysis of Housing Insecurity, 08/2022-10/2022

CodaLab Competition: Covid-19 Infection Percentage Estimation, 01/2022-03/2022

Course Projects

Engineering and Databases

Building a Full Stack Website Application for Badminton Appointment System, COMS 6156 - Cloud Computing, 09/2022-12/2022

Integrated Covid-19 Services Database and Website Interface, COMS 4111 W Introduction To Databases, 01/2022-05/2022

Machine Learning and Modeling

Effects of Critic/User Review Language on Movie Perception, QMSS 5067 GR - Natural Language Processing S, 09/2022-12/2022

Applying Masked Token Transformer (MaskGIT) in Long Audio Generation, COMS 4995 W - Deep Learning, 01/2022-05/2022

Predicting Covid-19 Vaccination Status from Social-economic Variables, BIST 8106 P - Data Science II, 01/2022-05/2022

Data Visualization And Analytic Reports

Website of Global Happiness Score, P8105 Data Science, 09/2021-12/2021

Statistical Analysis

Structural Learning of rs-fMRI data in Heavy Smokers, BIST 8124 P - Graphical Models Complex, 09/2022-12/2022

US Crime Rate Report, P8130 Biostatistical Methods, 09/2021-12/2021


Clinical AI & UM Automation, Anthem Health Data Analytics Intern, 06/2022-08/2022

Establishment of a Database to Track Differences in Medication Treatment Response by Ethnicity, GSK Digital Analyst Internship, 03/2021-07/2021

Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based Medical Knowledge Graph Establishment and Embedding, GSK Digital Analyst Internship, 03/2021-07/2021